Saturday, January 13, 2007

Gmail for mobile

You're probably familiar with Gmail, Google's web-based email service; it has some powerful features:
• Send and receive messages - save them using your web-storage capacity of up to 2,600+ megabytes
• See when your friends are online and email them or chat (Instant Messaging) - just like email messages, you can save your chat conversations
• Search messages and chat histories - words in your search query show up in bold in the search results
• Select to have a copy of each incoming message automatically forwarded to another email address
• It's free! It's paid for by relevant text ads displayed alongside your Gmail messages, similar to those on the side of Google search results pages

Gmail on the go!
Gmail is now available for mobile phones and mobile devices:
• Access your Gmail messages from the web browser on your mobile phone or device. Read and reply to your Gmail messages any time, anywhere
• Like Gmail, it's free! (But your wireless plan might still charge, so you might want to check with your provider first)
• Automatically optimizes the interface for the phone you're using
• Opens attachments you receive in messages, incl. photos, Microsoft Word documents and .pdf files
• Lets you reply by call to people whose phone numbers are in your Gmail Contacts list
For more details, go to:

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